Family Visas
There are a number of migration options for parent-child relationships. If you’re looking for information on Partner Visas please follow the link. Some information of family visas is below. Please contact us to see which visa may be applicable to you.
Parents looking to migrate
Parents may be able to migrate to Australia if they have a child in Australia who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) visa (subclass 864):A permanent visa for aged parents with children living in Australia. This visa costs more than the aged parent visa but is generally processed faster.
- Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884):This is a temporary visa valid for two years. If you hold this visa you can apply for the permanent Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) visa (subclass 864).
- Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) visa (from subclass 884 to subclass 864):For holders of a temporary Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 884), to apply for a permanent Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864).
- Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa (from subclass 173 to subclass 143): This visa is for holders of a temporary Contributory Parent visa (subclass 173), who want to apply for a permanent Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143).
- Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa (subclass 143): A permanent visa for parents with children living in Australia. This visa costs more than the Parent visa but is generally processed faster.
- Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173): This is a temporary visa valid for two years. If you hold this visa you can then apply for the permanent Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143).
- Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa (from subclass 173 to subclass 143): This visa is for holders of a temporary Contributory Parent visa (subclass 173), who want to apply for a permanent Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143).

Children looking to migrate
For dependent children, orphan relatives or adopted children of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Child (Permanent) (Subclass 802): For children from overseas who are the child or stepchild of an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Orphan Relative (Permanent) (Subclass 837): For children from overseas whose parents are deceased, permanently incapacitated, or whose whereabouts are unknown, and who have an eligible sponsor.
- Dependent Child Visa (Subclass 445): For children whose parent holds a temporary partner visa and is in the process of obtaining a permanent partner visa.
- Child (Permanent) (Subclass 101): For children from overseas who are the child or stepchild of an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Orphan Relative (Permanent) (Subclass 117): For children from overseas whose parents are deceased, permanently incapacitated, or whose whereabouts are unknown and who have an eligible sponsor.
- Adoption (Permanent) (Subclass 102): For children from overseas who have been or about to be adopted by an Australian citizen or the holder of an Australian permanent visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Dependent Child Visa (Subclass 445): For children whose parent holds a temporary partner visa and is in the process of obtaining a permanent partner visa.
With so many different types of family visas, it can be difficult knowing where to start or which visa may best suit your circumstances. At Immigration Experts Australia, we’re experts in all visa types and competently guide you through your family visa application.